Thursday, March 8, 2012

Train Ride to San Diego & City Bus Ride to Balboa Park

 Last weekend Clint had his first two-day weekend since the beginning of January so we spent our Saturday having a yummy lunch at Bety's Tacos in Encinitas, then we caught the Coaster to San Diego, and took the city bus to Balboa Park.
 This was the cool fountain at the San Diego train station
 We walked over to the world beat center but Rylee was mad about not playing on the playground until dark...that's why she's pouting here:)
 and this one I guess he was just done taking pictures
 I know this looks unsafe but her face was so happy while she was doing it, this little girl is smitten with her dad!
 Eloise was as good as gold the whole long day!
 Sisters :)
 Some days I still can't believe all three of them are ours.  They bring so much happiness into our lives each in the own special way.
 Bus ride...much dirtier than the train but lots of fun..and probably where Clint got pink eye in BOTH eyes
 Our little sweet pea

 the train ride home

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